Buy tickets Greta Grinevičiūtė / Meno ir mokslo laboratorija (Lietuva) – ŠOKIS CIGARETEI IR GERIAUSIAI DRAUGEI Vilnius, Nacionalinė dailės galerija April 29

Greta Grinevičiūtė / Meno ir mokslo laboratorija (Lietuva) – ŠOKIS CIGARETEI IR GERIAUSIAI DRAUGEI

April 29 (Tue), 20:00 - 21:30
Vilnius, Nacionalinė dailės galerija, Konstitucijos pr. 22
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15.59 €
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Duration: 90 min.

The performance depicts a naked body.

"Dance for a cigarette and best friend" analyzes friendship. The relationship between the best friends or friends, which is unreasonable with blood or a romantic partnership, often becomes one of the longest -lasting relationships in a person's life. The relationship between friendship testifies to the collapse or formation of other relationships nearby, affects the formation of another personality and changes itself. But here too, we are moving and approaching, letting go and distance, naked, vulnerable, sometimes jealous, but constantly in connection.

"Dance for a cigarette and best friend" - the fourth work of Greta Grinevičiūtė, continuing a series of performances for a particular or abstract object and Remembrance.

Greta Grinevičiūtė - performer, dancer, theater and film actress, choreographer, one of MMLAB's main creators, one of the founders of the Independent Contemporary Dance Art Organization Be Company, PhD student, lecturer, dance filmmaker. Greta Grinevičiūtė's individual work is most often dealt with themes of intimacy and fragility: by using her biography details, it analyzes human relationships, especially her personal relationships with relatives.

The author, director, choreographer: Greta Grinevičiūtė

Agnietė Lisičkinaitė, Aistė Zabotkaitė, Marta Nakaitė, Julius Kuršis

Video director: Martynas Norvaiš

Video director: Nidas Kaniuš

Looking out of the country: Bush Hartshorn, Andrius Katinas


Coordinators: Domantė Tyrilaitė and Greta Senkutė

Communication Manager: Rasa Kregždaitė

Technical Manager: Vlad Bajaznyj

Design: Dovilė Šidlauskaitė


Performance producer: MMLAB

Partners: National Gallery of Art, In addition to the Company, Cinevera, Acropolis

Finns: Lithuanian Cultural Council, Vilnius City Municipality

Premiere: 2024. November 29 and 30, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Instagram: @gretagrine/@mmlaboratory

Facebook: @gretagrineviciute/@mmlab


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Event organizer

Lietuvos šokio informacijos centras / New Baltic Dance / Naujasis Baltijos šokis, VŠĮ

+370 656 70877

Šiltadaržio g. 6, Vilnius, Lietuva

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