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Kūrybinės dirbtuvės "KAMERA OBSKURA" su KKKC rezidentu, fotomenininku Audroniumi Žemguliu

January 25 (Sat), 13:00 - 19:00
Klaipėda, KKKC Meno kiemo dirbtuvės, Daržų g. 10
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13.20 €
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January 25 1 p.m. we invite you to the creative workshop "CAMERA OBSKURA" with KKKC resident, photo artist Audronium Žemgulis.

Even before the photographic film stopped the light on the emulsion and long before William Henry Fox Talbot captured the shadow, the camera obscura allowed people to see their surroundings in a different way. Its construction is simple: a darkened box, tent or room with a small opening on one side. Once inside, the outside world is visible, projected through the aperture and onto the surface. The scene is reproduced in perfect color, perspective and clarity, only the image is projected "upside down" and from right to left.

The camera obscura was designed as a scientific instrument; In the 16th century, astronomers could observe the Sun in this way without damaging their eyes. And when the mathematician Girolamo Cardano replaced the aperture with a lens, the image became even sharper and could be focused. This opened up new possibilities for the camera obscura - already as a drawing tool. Artists began to use it, projecting images onto a piece of paper to understand perspective.

During a unique creative workshop, being inside the camera obscura, you will be able to see in full size how the perspective changes, as straight lines light travels through the lines, and after focusing the image of your choice through the projection lens, you will capture it on photo paper, which you will develop in the old analog way, from the negative turning it into a positive image.

Workshop "CAMERA OBSKURA", January 25. 1 p.m., KKKC Meno kiemas, Daržų st. 10, Klaipėda

Doors open: ~13:00
Event duration: ~6:00
Breaks: none
Event language: Lithuanian
Children admitted free: no
Age restriction: no
Discounts: not applicable

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Others Kūrybinės dirbtuvės "KAMERA OBSKURA" su KKKC rezidentu, fotomenininku Audroniumi Žemguliu, Klaipėda, KKKC Meno kiemo dirbtuvės January 25

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Klaipėdos kultūrų komunikacijų centras, BĮ


Bažnyčių g. 4, Klaipėda

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