When we hear the word "interwar" we often think of Kaunas, and what do we know about Vilnius at that time except that the city was occupied by Poles, J. Pilsudskis sometimes visited it, after which only his heart is solemnly buried in the Rasas of death. But life was boiling in the city! And although at that time the majority of Vilnius residents spoke Polish, there are many similarities with today's Vilnius: heated debates about the construction of monuments continued, the walls of the representative football stadium that had been built did not rise, and Kaziukas received crowds every March. You will hear where the zoo was located in Vilnius in the interwar period, what horrible crimes in the city shocked the residents of the whole country, we will visit the buildings and relics of Polish Vilnius and get to know the interwar Vilnius (almost) without politics.
? Start of the tour: Moniuska Square;
? Duration ~2.5 hours;
?♂️ End of the tour: Labdarių St.
Please don't be late and have the saved on your phone with you a copy of the ticket. If you are late, the possibilities to join are limited, because the sound of the guides' mobile phones is turned off during the tours.
For children under 10 years old. the excursion is free, but please consider the capabilities of the children and take into account their wishes to participate in the excursion.
What will happen if it rains? The excursion will take place, but don't forget umbrellas ☔ and suitable clothes?
We remind you that if your plans change, tickets and money for they are not returned. However, it is always possible to give or transfer your ticket to others.
? We inform you that photography/filming may be done during the excursion. If you do not wish to be seen, please inform us in advance by e-mail gabija@savaitgalioekskursijos.lt. If you don't, we'll assume you don't object.
? ? Also, all tour participants have the right to film and take photos for personal use, but this material cannot be used or distributed for commercial purposes without the written consent of the tour organizers.
On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Others Nepažintas tarpukario Vilnius | Ekskursija Vilniuje, Vilnius, S.Moniuškos skveras April 13
* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.
Savaitgalio ekskursijos
Viešos Vilniaus erdvės