In the program:
I d.
Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata no. 31 in A flat major, Op. 110
Claude Debussy - "Estampes", L. 100:
The Pagodas
"Evening in Granada" ("La soirée dans Grenade “)
"Gardens in the rain" ("Jardins sous la pluie")
"Island of Joy" ( "L'isle Joyeuse" ), L. 106
II d.
Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis - Prelude D major, VL 183 ("Pastoral");
three preludes on one theme in B minor: VL 269, Vl. 270, VL 271
Fryderyk Chopin - Barcarole in F-flat Major, Op. 60
Olivier Messiaen - two plays from the cycle "Vingt regards sur l'enfant-Jésus":
XV "Kissing the Baby Jesus" ("Le baiser de l'Enfant-Jésus")
X "Regard de l'Esprit de joie" (Regard de l'Esprit de joie)
Pianist INGA LIUKAITYTĖ is a laureate and winner of more than fifteen international competitions, who has performed in London, Barbican Hall, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Glasgow in the royal concert hall and other prestigious halls. I. Liukaitytė's performances stand out for their intelligence, brightness of musical colors and orchestral sound. The pianist's interpretations combine attention to detail, emotional depth and delicacy. Her concerts are characterized by interestingly arranged programs that combine into an artistic whole, and deep, personal themes that touch the hearts of not only Lithuanian, but also foreign listeners.
Tonight's concert the theme is joy. "We are fragile creatures. Instead of hindering us, this weakness allows us to truly enjoy… (…) Finding joy does not mean that we will be immune from adversity and heartache. On the contrary, we may cry sooner, but when we laugh, it is with all our heart. We will really feel that we are living. With joy, any suffering only makes us stronger, not cripples us. Going through hardships doesn't make us hard-hearted, and a broken heart doesn't mean we're broken ourselves" (Archbishop Desmond Tutu, The Book of Joy).
Sit down at the piano and touch the keys - I. Liukaitytė's oasis of joy. She will open the concert with Ludwig van Beethoven's monumental Sonata, Op. 110, in which the hero, like the composer himself, is led to the light through trials. Claude Debussy's "Prints" are joyful travel pictures: Indonesian "Pagodas" enchanting with gamelan sounds, characteristic Spanish "Evening in Granada" and French "Gardens in the Rain" painted with Claude Monet's strokes. At the end of the first part, one of the most beautiful works of C. Debussy - "Island of Joy" will be played. Exciting melodies and the solemn ringing of bells will invite you to a joyful celebration on the island of Venus, the goddess of love. for this anniversary, the following preludes are nominated for the year 2025: noble, giving meaning to the beauty of nature "Pastoral", stormy "Allegro", delicate, longing "Andante" and dignified "Animato cantabile". One of the most special pearls of Fryderyk Chopin's work will also be played - Barkarolė in F-flat major. In the music inspired by the songs of the Venetian gondoliers, we hear not only the composer's mature, delicate voice, but also breakthroughs of joy that he experienced so rarely in his life full of challenges.
The concert will be crowned by two plays from Olivier Messiaen's cycle "Twenty glances at the baby Jesus". The composer's greatest motivation to create - faith - permeates this cycle with sounds of tenderness, love and ecstatic joy. Mr. Messiaen, although imprisoned in a Nazi prisoner of war camp, having endured not only global but also personal trials, did not seek to convey darkness in his music: "I am a musician of joy...". In "Kissing the Baby Jesus" we contemplate divine love looking at the sleeping Son of God, and the theme of God heard throughout the cycle is resounding with the sounds of a lullaby. The baby welcomes us with outstretched arms into the light-filled garden for heavenly communion. At the end of the concert, the "Glance of the Spirit of Joy" full of ecstasy, pulsating joy, which begins with a joyful dance and leads to the "Theme of Joy", intertwined with the theme of God, as if showing the composer that he found true joy in faith and that, despite adversity, one must love with all one's heart , and to rejoice is the whole soul.
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KĮ Kauno valstybinė filharmonija, Juridinis asmuo
E. Ožeškienės g. 12, LT–44252, Kaunas, Lietuva