Rock Age: Arena Show-Palanga Concert Hall June 21.
All the first 100 tickets of 29 Eur.
A spectacular concert in Palanga with the most beautiful rock hits! Stunning scenography, the Golden Rock Age Light Design and a musical journey that will make everyone dance and sing! And that is the only concert! On the eve of Midsummer, we will create an exclusive fantastic evening!
Arena shows in which actor Simon Storpirštis will be incarnated in the role of Rolling Stone journalist on the pages of magazine history ... Sounds Queen, Guns n roses, Elton John, Bryan Adams, Aerosmith, Tina Turner, Bon Jovi, Pink, Pink Floyd, Sting, Eric Clapton and others. The most beautiful songs, ballads, the most popular hits and all of this in a unique music and theater show format.
By sharing stunning energy performers will create an incredible atmosphere to experience the spirit of rock music with true rock music a hymns. The Rock Age concerts in the largest halls of the country will join history with history, show elements and unique solutions.
participate: July Mondeikaitė, Oneida Kunsunga, Indrė Launikonytė, Vidas Bareikis, Vladas Kovalev, Simonas Storpirštis, Live Group.
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Artists' impressions after the premiere of the Arena Tour:
p Class ="Msonormal" Style ="Margin-Bottom: 0in; Line-Hight: Normal; Text-Align: Justify;"> "Although most of the works on stage I knew very well, I will confess that I only understand what I do A better word, monsters, are authors of these works and original performers - speaks Singer Vidas Bareikis. - What incredible vocalists are Bon Jovy, Tina Turner, Freddie Merkuri, seemingly their abilities are simply superhuman. We managed to implement this level together in the team - some duo, other pieces in a triple or four, and part of all seven instead of one original performer. The success of this project is a big and diverse team and we all sound very powerful together. ”
is also supported by actor and singer Simon Storpirštis, saying that rock music and its strength only appreciated this year Rock Age: Arena Show Project.
'After the premiere of tonight, after all those world -renowned pieces we've done together I realized that Rock does something with someone, it seems as if it is lifting up, says Simon. - It's hard to see how well the bands created, how wonderful and powerful this music is, how much meaning of these works is meaningful. Rock music is eternal and is not in vain. ”
singer Indrė Launikonytė asserts that if she had to describe herself as a style of music, she would undoubtedly be rock music. This, according to her, is simply integrated, programmed, and occupies a very important part in life.
"Even the first group I had was a rock band, so this project is like a dream come true. Tina Turner is my love from a young age, so singing her most famous pieces in the arena, before so many people, seemed to have some space. With all the pieces we performed on stage tonight, the feeling is similar - my soul is just danced and joy and refreshment, ”Indre does not hide. more than any other style in music. Singer Vlad Kovalev adds that it is often easier to write and sing wishes or experiences than to tell them orally, while rock music texts are open, pure, often straightforward and accommodate sincere emotions.
It is a constant movement, a living emotion, a bouncing, just boiling feeling inside. If that is not the case, there is no real rock. I was introduced to this music in my childhood by my older brothers, and I grew up with it. It is a pity that in the golden times of rock we are telling in this project, we were separated from that culture, but today we can make up for a lot, "says the stage legend. Align: Justify; ">
Buying 10 or more tickets you can apply: Doors Open: 19:00
Event Duration: 2:00
Breaks : No
Event Language: Lithuanian
Children are admitted free of charge: up to 6 m. inclusive, without being occupied by papid seating.
Age Censa: No
Discounts: Tickets will not be more expensive!
On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Concerts ROKO AMŽIUS: ARENA SHOW, Palanga, Palangos koncertų salė June 21
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