Theater comedy
To work as a celebration
. Bialobžeskis, Julius Žalakevičius.
Is it possible for a nice Monday job, is it possible? After all, most Monday morning is starting to wait for Friday evening, as work is not an entertainment, but a place to make money. Could it be otherwise? This time the actor theater presents you with a very working but relaxing comedy to work as a celebration, according to French author Isabelle Grolier's play "Happy Work." whose financial matters are getting worse with each month as the era of the Internet came, printed newspapers became unpopular. Three employees working in the editorial office are not very fond of each other and their duties, they only look at how to run through the editorial door as soon as possible. The director of the newspaper cannot tolerate the attitude of the employees to work, but everyone's teeth are still working because they have no other option. And the solution is unexpectedly offered by a Dutch investor who promises to invest in a newspaper with one strange condition that employees must be happy at work from now on and go to work as a celebration! This is where real confusion, funny situations, fun misunderstandings and most importantly more work begins! And if you do not find an answer, you will at least take your optimistic approach to the favorite job that you like, and the happiness you seek. You can apply for 10 or more tickets:
door Opened: 30min before the eventOn the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater Premjera Į DARBĄ KAIP Į ŠVENTĘ | Kaišiadorys, Kaišiadorys, Kaišiadorių kultūros centras April 10
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Kemerio g. 9, Kaunas