Buy tickets Arklio Dominyko meilė Klaipėda, Klaipėdos dramos teatras April 05

Arklio Dominyko meilė

April 05 (Sat), 12:00 - 12:45
Klaipėda, Klaipėdos dramos teatras, Teatro gatvė
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10.00 €
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Horse Dominic Love

PEARING PEOKS (Origami) Doll's Playing by Vytautas V. Landsbergis' Tale "Horse Dominyko Love" contemporary, subtly and creatively present to the viewer the subject of love. The tale storyline is astonishing, paradoxical. Wild horse Dominykas loves a beautiful and slightly square cornflower. As winter approaches, the horse picks up cornflower and hides as the frost attempts to freeze it and leaves for Africa himself. His journey is interesting and complicated. Dominic meets the white bear, the crocodile, the camels and other characters. Finally, Dominic enters the cornflower meadow, from which his lover comes from. As spring approaches, Dominykas returns to Lithuania, because his cornflower must sprout again. In the scenography, we see different ways of portraying the world's maps that change and change during the trip. Watching the movement of dolls and objects, viewers do not feel involved in the game, develop their fantasy and creativity. The performance contains interactive moments that engage the viewer and encourage creative thinking together when finding solutions. This play of love and travel teaches love and creativity, and it subtle testimonial about eternal life, about a constantly ongoing renewal.
The performance in 2015 was nominated for the Klaipėda Theater Award "Thanksgiving Mask" for Best Performance of the Year.

Directing- Kamilė Kondrotaitė
DEPARTE-Liuda Liaudanskaitė
Music- Aušra Vashtakaitė
plays by Liudas Vyšniauskas, Kamilė Kondrotaitė





When buying 10 or more tickets, you can apply:

Doors Open: ~ 11: 50
Event Duration: ~ 0: 45
Breaks: No
Event Language: Lithuanian
Children In admission free: No
Age Ceme

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Klounų teatro studija, VšĮ

+370 61856135

Debreceno g. 45-4, Klaipėda

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