Francis Poulenc opera-monodrama THE HUMAN VOICE based on the play by Jean Cocteau
Creative group:
Director, scenographer, costume designer MADIS NURMS
Music director and conductor ERKI PEHK
Lighting artist ANTON KULAGIN
Roles and performers:
Panevėžys Musical Theater Orchestra (conductors E. Pehk and M. Bražas)
Conductor ERKI PEHK
The opera is written in Lithuanian
The Panevėžys Music Theater presents the opera "Human Voice" by the French composer Francis Poulenc. The monodrama created almost seven decades ago based on the play of the writer, poet and playwright Jean Cocteau is now very popular in the theaters of France, Germany, Italy and other countries. Panevėžys will also have the unique opportunity to observe the profound work and its extraordinary staging. "I have no doubt that this is one of F. Poulenc's most interesting works, both in terms of musical color and plot," asserts Erki Pehkas, the music director and conductor of the production in the Panevėžys Music Theater.
1958 born opera is a deep emotional drama experienced by a woman betrayed by her lover. This work is called a confession by the author himself. The only performer on stage, while talking on the phone with her lover who left her, experiences grief, anger, jealousy, fading hopes, suicide threats in a short time.
What a paradox: such a tragedy. composed by a composer known for his cheerful manner and good sense of humor. At first, everything was intended as a joke. Once, when F. Poulenc was visiting the Milan Opera with a friend, a soloist caused a conflict on stage. The friend jokingly suggested that the composer write a monodrama in which the performer seen that evening could perform and receive a standing ovation without needlessly going crazy. Despite the cheerful motives behind the creation of "The Voice of Man", it is said that this opera most reflects the true dark side of the personality of the energetic, innovative author.
The famous opera "The Voice of Man" " has been shown several times in Lithuania. The TV movie (1978, directed by J. Janulevičiūtė) with our unforgettable prima donna Giedre Kaukaite was particularly successful.
On the stage of the Panevėžys musical theater, an opera performance lasting up to an hour is organized in Lithuanian. an international team of professionals from Estonia. The Panevėžys audience already knows the music director, the talented conductor of the Panevėžys musical theater Erki Pehkas very well. Director, scenographer, costume designer Madis Nurmsas is a famous artist in his hometown, whose works adorn operas, plays, ballet performances and other artistic projects in Estonia and abroad. Light artist Antonas Kulaginas is famous for his ability to use light technologies to create impressive visual experiences for the audience.
The idea of staging an opera presented to Panevėžys is very interesting. A prison-like, claustrophobic room in which only the main character and her only interlocutor - the telephone - emphasize the feelings of loneliness and isolation. However, while observing everything, thoughts arise: is this a real prison or just a spiritual captivity. J. Cocteau and F. Poulenc presented a wonderful puzzle, and the task of the viewer is to find a glimmer of hope in the gloomy story of the Woman.
It is interesting that "The Voice of Man" is usually performed with on the piano. However, the Panevėžys audience will be able to enjoy the original version with the orchestra.
Music theater conductor E. Pehkas does not hide: Poulenc's monodrama is a considerable challenge for him and the orchestra, because here the music is equal to the soloist. partner, she is not only assigned the role of accompaniment. The orchestra creates the mood of the action and seems to maintain a conversation with the main character.
A role in the monoopera "The Human Voice" that requires extraordinary vocal and acting talent is the dream of many soloists. In Panevėžys, Jomantė Šležaitė and Monika Pleškytė, one of the most promising opera soloists of the young Lithuanian generation, decided to join him. These singers are welcome not only in Lithuania, but also on the stages of foreign countries, they have won a number of musical awards and nominations.
On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater PMT | opera-monodrama ŽMOGAUS BALSAS, Panevėžys, Panevėžio muzikinis teatras March 21
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BĮ Panevėžio muzikinis teatras, Juridinis asmuo
Nepriklausomybės aikštė 8, LT-35227, Panevėžys, Lietuva