Buy tickets VARDAN TOS | rež. Aidas Giniotis Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras March 08

VARDAN TOS | rež. Aidas Giniotis

March 08 (Sat), 18:00 - 20:50
Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras, Tilžės g.155
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12.00 €
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based on the play "Patriots" by Petros Vaičiūnas

Genre - satirical farce

Duration - 2 hours. 50 min., one break

For whom - N-14

Director - Aidas Giniotis

Composer - Vytautas Leistrums


Set designer and costume designer - Ramunė Skrebūnaitė


Liuba - Inga Norkutė

Lucija - Inga Jarkova - Bučienė, Martyna Gedvilaitė

Ona - Eglė Stanišauskaitė-Žvinienė, Monika Geštautaitė

Napoleon Lietuvis - Aurimas Pintulis

Petras Velykis - Aurimas Žvinys

Jotautas Kristautas - Aidas Matutis, Jurgis Marčėnas

Paulius Labutis - Arnoldas Jalianiauskas, Sigitas Jakubauskas

Henriks Zauerzein - Severinas Norgaila, Anicets Gendvilas, Eimantas Bareikis

Singers - Juozas Bindokas, Dalius Jančiauskas, Severinas Norgaila, Danguolė Petraitytė

Petras Vaičiūnas (1890-07-11-1959 06-07) - poet, playwright, translator, one of the most famous creators of the Lithuanian repertoire in interwar Lithuania (he wrote more than 20 dramas). He looked at the theater as a means of civic and moral education, in his works he explored topical national, social and moral problems, created psychologically based characters, his dramas, despite the critical analysis of reality, are characterized by a lively reaction to the current affairs of the time, dynamic action, witty dialogues.

The drama "Patriots" was written in 1926 and staged in the same year In the State Theater (Kaunas) of the legendary director Boris Dauguvietis, it did not last long in the repertoire because the officials did not like it. Actor Balys Lukošius, who renamed the comedy "Excellences" in 1954, staged it as an amateur. The drama was also used as a script for an LRT movie in 1980. The last production on the stage of the theater in 2008 earned director Jonis Vaitkas the Golden Stage Cross. And in the winter of 2016, the premiere of the dramatist, journalist and screenwriter Mindaugas Nastaravičius's film - the comedy "Patriots", based on the play of the same name "Patriots" by Petros Vaičiūnas.

2016 this year marks exactly 90 years since the play was written and first performed. The most interesting thing is that the situation has not changed much since the situation in post-war Lithuania. Only the names of the parties and institutions, the names of the anti-heroes have changed. And today, people resent corrupt officials, pseudo-patriotic government, laws with loopholes that allow bribery and abuse to flourish. A modern interpretation, the recognizability of the characters would allow the viewer not only to laugh, but also awaken the civic conscience.

Director Aidas Giniotis does not reveal much, but says that the play will be quite different, even drastic, a little sad, a little witty.

Premiere - 2016 April 22.


- 2017 At the 33rd Festival of Professional Theaters" (Rokiškis), a special prize of the festival jury (300 euros) - to the State Drama Theater of Šiauliai for fostering original Lithuanian dramaturgy in the play "On behalf of" based on Petros Vaičiūnas's play "Patriotai" (dir. Aidas Giniotis).

- 2016 the best actress prize of the national dramaturgy festival of professional theaters "Pakeleivingi 2016" to the actress of the State Šiauliai Drama Theater - Inga Norkute for the role of Liuba Lietuvė in the play "Vardan tos" (directed by A. Giniotis) based on P. Vaičiūnas' play "Patriots".

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Doors open: 30 min. until the start of the performance
Duration of the event: 2:50
Intermissions: 1
Language of the event: Lithuanian
Children admitted for free: no
Age limit: N14
Discounts : for schoolchildren, students, seniors, people with disabilities, POLA members. Additional information: Discounts: for schoolchildren, students, seniors, people with disabilities. It is necessary to present a certificate during the ticket check. Information for people with disabilities (in wheelchairs): they are admitted free of charge, occupying the designated seats: On the ground floor, 1st-2nd row seats N (right) and 2nd row seat N (left) and on the balcony. A free ticket is issued at the Theater box office or by contacting the administration. Information for persons accompanying people with disabilities: admission is free if possible. A free ticket is issued at the Theater box office or by contacting the administration. Administration contacts: tel. +370 68612616, e-mail Mr.

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Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras

8 41 524968

Tilžės g. 155, Šiauliai

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