Buy tickets VŠDT | R. Kmita | REMYGA | Rež. O. Koršunovas Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras April 26

VŠDT | R. Kmita | REMYGA | Rež. O. Koršunovas

April 26 (Sat), 18:00 - 20:45
Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras, Tilžės g.155
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12.00 €
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Psychedelic Rock Ballad on Šiauliai Ment

Play -Rimantas Kmita

Director-Oscar Koršunovas

Director's assistant - Jacob Brazys

Stage designer - Irina Commissarova

Costume artists - Justina Ignatavičienė, Greta Milevičiūtė

Light artist - Darius Malinauskas

Video artist - Ignas Juzokas

Music - Music - Music - Paulius Ignatavičius, Gintas Gascevičius, Severin Norgaila, Eligijus Žilinskas, Paulius Tijonis, Lukas Malinauskas, Pijus Ganusauskas


Remyga - Anicetas Gendvilas
Sonata - Monika Gestautaitė
Laima - Gintarė Ramoškaitė /Aistė Šeštokaitė
Witches - Vytautas Kaniušonis
Andrius - Aidas Matutis BR /> Donatas - Joseph Baliukevich
Saulius - Severin Norgaila
Daiva - Nomeda Bėčiūtė
Princes - Rolandas Dovydaitis, Juozas Bindokas
Major - Juozas Žibūda
Fridrikas - Mindaugas Jurevičius - Mindaugas Jurevičius
Taxist - Roman Dudnik
Freddy - Vilija Paleckaitė
Baby - Vladas Baranauskas /Dalius Jančiauskas
Bear - Eduardas Pauliukonis
Taurus - Inga Norkutė
Bartend Liutikaitė
Bar Hostess-Nijolė Mirončikaitė
Bar Dancers-Lina Bocytė, Jūratė Budriūnaitė, Inga Jarkova-Bučienė, Danguolė Petraitytė

Style ="Margin: 0cm"> Duration - 3 hours. Two-part performance


Premiere-2020. October 22,

The performance "Remyga" from the original idea to the final realization is associated with Šiauliai. Rimantas Kmita, the author of the bestseller "Southern Chronicle", who writes the play specifically for this performance, presents a phantasmagoric version of history, derived from real facts and fiction. The play talks about the city and its people, about real events and myths, and those who have become their destiny. Remiga returns viewers to the first year of independence. What (not) visible in front we fought then? What have we been and what we became? Many are still well remembered by this difficult time of change, when the dark forces of the ancient structures have fallen into the idealism of independence. The main character of the play is Remiga between these two forces. After serving in the Soviet Army in Afghanistan, Remiga returns to his native Šiauliai. He would like to live as "all normal people" - to be a beloved husband, a good father, a dutiful employee. However, the shadows of the past and the chaos around it are thickening, and dark forces are gaining increasing powers. How to draw the boundary between good and evil in such a chaotic society? How to stay honest against yourself and others? How to control your inner demons? What is the price of independence-political and personal and personal? Director Oscar Koršunovas sees the back of the whole Lithuania in Remiga: "What happened in Šiauliai then took place all over Lithuania". p>

- 43 to the winner of the Lithuanian Theater Spring Festival to the writer of the State Šiauliai Drama Theater "Remyga" by Rimantas Kmitai Prize. P>

- XXXVII Professional Theater Festival "We play for farmers" for the best performance (Rokiskis, October 2021)

Margin: 0cm; Text-Align: Justify>- Prize Prize of the Professional Theater National Drama Festival "PELEEVing". Margin: 0cm>

performance review: When buying 10 or more tickets you can apply for:

Door opened: 30 min. before the performance of the performance
Event Duration: 3:00
Breaks: 1, 20 min.
Event Language: Lithuanian
Children FREE: NO
Age Cemese: N16
Discounts: Students, Students, Seniors, People with Disabilities, POLA members Additional information: discounts on students, students, seniors, people with disabilities. During ticket checks it is necessary to submit a certificate.Information for people with disabilities (wheelchairs): admitted free of charge, occupying marked places: 1-2 rows n (right) and 2 row N (left) and balcony, after contacting the administration.Information. People with Disabled Person: In adequate for free, contact with the Administration.adeliration contacts: tel. +370 68612616, email p.

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater VŠDT | R. Kmita | REMYGA | Rež. O. Koršunovas, Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras April 26

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras

8 41 524968

Tilžės g. 155, Šiauliai

Events and tickets Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras

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