Buy tickets NEPAPRASTA TRIUŠIO EDVARDO KELIONĖ | rež. Milda Mičiulytė Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras April 13


April 13 (Sun), 14:00 - 16:00
Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras, Tilžės g.155
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10.00 €
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VSDT | Premiere of Rabbit Edward's Edward Journey dir. Milda Mičiulytė

Duration 1 hour. 20 min.


P class ="Msonormal"> Director - Milda Mičiulytė
Stage Author - Daiva Čepauskaitė
Stage designer and costume designer - Artūras Šimonis
composer - Martynas Bialobžeskis
Choreographer - Carlo Bibian
Video artist - Titas Jurjon

plays :
Edward - Severin Norgaila
Abilena - Amber Ramoškaitė-Jokubauskė
Pelegrina (ji ir Lolia, Sargas, Senutė) – Monika Šaltytė
vejys Lorensas – Juozas Bindokas
Žvejo žmona Nelė – Rimanta Krilavičiūtė
Klajūnas Bulius – Dalius Jančiauskas
Braisas - Tautvydas Galkauskas
Sara Ruta - Rusnė Navickaite

The Extraordinary Rabbit Edward Journey is based on the world's popular American author Kate Dicamillo Novel for Children">

You will learn about the rabbit Edward Tiulein, a beautiful porcelain toy that his hostess-Girl Abilena, loves. But rabbit Edward does not know how to love. Although Abilena demonstrates great respect and love for Edward, he only thinks about himself and constantly enjoy his great appearance. But one fateful day it falls over the ship's side of the ship. After spending 297 days at the ocean floor, Edward is thrown ashore and passing fishermen pull it out of the fishing net. This is how the big porcelain rabbit journey towards love begins. Through long wandering, Edward replaces the lives of the characters they meet while learning to love and long. Edward's journey takes him not only far from home, but also far from what he was once.

What does it mean to love? To feel? Longing for? Opening our heart to others, we often become not only happy but also vulnerable. Together, we are happy to let anxiety, care, longing, and sometimes even pain. But everyone who has ever loved knows that when our hearts are spranging out of love, we feel the most alive. A wonderful tale of the furious Edward teaches that loving hearts sometimes break, but all feelings grow us and indifference turns into cold porcelain dolls. Travel history in the performance is told by the spectacular twentieth century. pradžia dvelkiančius kostiumus ir scenografiją, lėlių teatro elementus, gyvai atliekamas dainas ir šokius.

Šis spektaklis užburs tiek vaikų, tiek suaugusiųjų širdis ir dar kartą primins - "If you do not intend to love or be loved, then the whole journey is meaningless."

Premiere - 2024 m. December 26

doors open: 30 min. until the start of the performance
The duration of the event: 1 hour. 20 min.
Event Language: Lithuanian
Children In admit free: no
age censors: N7
Discounts: Not Applying

Additional information:

does not apply.

information for people with disabilities (wheelchairs): admitted free of charge, occupying marked places: Partner 1-2 Rows N (Right) and 2 Row Place N (left) and 2 on the balcony. Free ticket is issued at the theater box office or by contacting the administration.

Information with a disabled person: FREE is admitted as much as possible. Free ticket is issued at the theater box office or by contacting the administration.

Administration contacts: tel. +370 68612616, email

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater NEPAPRASTA TRIUŠIO EDVARDO KELIONĖ | rež. Milda Mičiulytė, Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras April 13

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Event organizer

Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras

8 41 524968

Tilžės g. 155, Šiauliai

Events and tickets Šiauliai, Valstybinis Šiaulių dramos teatras

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