Director - Jonas Vaitkus
Stage designer - Lauryna Liepaitė
Costume artist -Dovilė Gudačiauskaitė
composer - Algirdas Martinaitis / p>
Light artist - Vilius Vilutis
Assistant director - Regina Garuolytė
Keraitis - Keraitis - Gediminas Sederevičius
Keraitienė - Viktorija Kuodytė
Jasius Šiaučiukas - Tomas Šečkus
Tijūnas, class teacher - Povilas Budrys
Hogwos - Eimutis Braziulis
Petras Keraitis, orphan - Mantas Barvičius
Žiogienė - Diana Anevičiūtė
Žiogienė; Geographer - Rasa Rapalytė
Director - Šarūnas Rapolas Meliešius
Psychologist - Remigijus Bučius
Historian - Arūnas Sakalauskas, Džiugas Siaurusaitis
physicist; Inspector - Ramutis Rimeikis
Inspector - Vytautas Anužis
Naturalist - Dalia Michelevičiūtė
Gymnastics teacher - Neringa Bulotaitė
geographer - Jolanta Dapkūnaitė
Physicist - Regina Garuolytė
JUZE - Arūnas Vozbutas
Motiejus - Šarūnas Puidokas
Pliuškienė - Adrija Čepaitė
Keraičiai maid - Iveta Raulynaitytė
gymnasts - Radvilė Budrytė, Kristupas Budrys, Ieva Gribauskaitė, Laura Marija Rinkevičiūtė, Vilius Kalasūnas, Kiril Kretenčiukas, Rokas Siaurusaitis, Šarūnas Rapolas Rapolas Rapolis, Iveta Raulinaitytė, Ieva Labanauskaitė, Justas Vanagas, Augustė Pociūtė.
In the center is a young man accused of fault. Even despised, he does not deny values, does not stop believing in life and other people. It is a spirited, constant drama filled with the optimism and desire to sacrifice interwar Lithuania - the values that are so lacking today.
In the words of director Jonas Vaitkus, this piece can become spring rain in today's theater - turning away from foundational values, tending to destruction and denial. In the performance, the director invited not only experienced actors but also students of the acting course of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. The "Atžalynas" interpreted by such an enthusiastic creative team is a great opportunity to rediscover the classic Lithuanian dramaturgy.
"While writing this work, I was a little deceived that the work came out with young people whose age concept is very wide - approximately approximately between 12 and 60 years of age and more. ”(Kazys Binkis)
Director Jonas Vaitkus: Today, it is the point of returning to certain things that have the spirit of values. Maybe it looks simple, too sincere, primitively sentimental from our point, but behind the words that are pronounced in this piece is some kind of shining. I want to go back to the cleanliness that is in the "Atžalynas". But this material also contains a destructive beginning. It is touched in this play very slightly, but it shows what progress and anti -progress - technical progress and spiritual antiprogres - are "stepping", and that is what we see now. These "scissors" show that these hints of destructiveness now have flourished that "Atžalynas" today on stage can be like spring rain. In this production, I seek documentary, from the actors - an inner feeling. It is important that they have clear attitudes, the worldview, the ability to seriously design for a person - not a complex, broken, scattered, crushed, understanding of themselves, living in instincts between money and sensual passions, but a man who has hope, a perspective that believes that a person Life is the greatest value. Only then, looking at life - from birth to the last respite - you begin to realize how late, how late people understand it all: they are afraid to live, feel and answer for your life. As I read the clean "poem" - what the "Atžalynas" is - these things become needed: for us and the people who work on this performance.
Purchasing tickets for viewers with mobility in a stroller, their assistants and accompanying people (family members):
For viewers with mobility in a wheelchair, it is necessary to choose tickets in specially adapted and marked locations (sector Viewers with mobility in the wheelchair/ accompanying). The number of places of discount in the hall is limited.Asistuent, officially accompanying a person with disabilities in accordance with the Law on Social Integration of the Disabilities of the Republic of Lithuania, a free ticket may be selected by an assistant entering the code. The ticket will be applied by the distributor service fee of EUR 1. *A person accompanying a person with a disability, such as a family member without an assistant certificate, must buy tickets at a full price. ** When accompanied by a viewer with mobility disabilities, the ticket must be selected in specially adapted and marked locations (sector for viewers with a wheelchair / accompanying - location assistant), accompanied by another person with disabilities, to choose the location nearby.On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater Kazys Binkis ATŽALYNAS, rež. Jonas VAITKUS, Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatras May 06
* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.
Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatras
+370 620 68360 -
Gedimino pr. 4, Vilnius