◊ 2011 Golden Stage Cross. The best director is Oscar Koršunov
◊ 2011. Golden Stage Cross. Marius Repšys
◊ 2011 Golden Stage Cross. The best secondary role of a woman is Elze Gudavičiūtė
◊ 2011. Golden Stage Cross. The best scenographer is Gintaras Makarevičius
◊ 2011. Golden Stage Cross. The best young artist is Ainis Storpirštis
◊ 2011. Golden Stage Cross. The best production of national dramaturgy - "Disruation"
Created and chosen - Saulius Prūsaitis
Costume artist - Agnė Jagelavičiūtė
Created - Vesta Grabštaitė
Animators - Sigita Kučikaitė and Monika Žeknytė
Videooperator - Eglė Eigirdaitė
Light artist - Eugenijus Sabaliauskas
Stage designer and video projection artist - Gintaras Makarevičius
Music is performed - Saulius Prūsaitis, Vytautė Pupšytė, Laimonas Jančas, Kęstutis Pavalkis, Paulius Adomėnas, Sergej Makidon, Kęstutis Vaitkevičius, Danielius Juodis
bin Kęstutis Cicėnas
Ben after N - Vytautas Anuzis
Vandal - Marius Repšys
Eglė - Gailė Butvilaitė
Liz - Toma Vaškevičiūtė, Toma Vaškevičiūtė, Oneida Kunsunga
Eddie - Martynas Nedzinskas, Laurynas Jurgelis
Olga - Elze Gudavičiūtė, Greta Petrovskytė
Azim - Tadas Gryn, Džiugas Grinys
> Azim; Homeless Polish - Arūnas SakalauskasHarry Stilman - Paulius Ignatavičius, Džiugas Siaurusaitis
Sashko - Vytautas Medineckas (Ironvytas)
Oksana - Vitalija Mockevičiūtė, Rimantė Valiukaitė / p>
Karl; Driver II - Marius Čižauskas
offender; Brother II; Bee from Victoria Park II - David Stončius
British policeman; Bee from Victoria Park I - Daumantas Ciunis
Algirdas; Driver I - Algirdas Dainavičius
Romas - Arūnas Vozbutas
Regina - Jolanta Dapkūnaitė, Neringa Bulotaitė
Bardela - Ramutis Rimeikis
Zbigniev - Remigijus Bučius
Brother I - Algirdas Gradauskas
Bar Visitor - Diana Anevičiūtė
Bar Visitor - Eimutis Braziulis
Bar visitor - Vesta Grabštaitė
Bar visitor - Vaidilė Juozaitytė
Bar Visitor - Paulina Taujanskaitė
Bar Visitor - Augustė Pociūtė
Oskaras Koršunovas: "Delete" touched Emigration is a very relevant topic. I probably do not even realize its scale statistically: it is just speculating how many people have left, emigrated, but this situation is not analyzed in the political space - and what about cultural and artistic space. In art, we hardly have a serious analysis, a serious attitude towards what is happening to Lithuania now, with the nation. Not only the interests of the nation, the state lies behind it - there are broken people's destinies, the whole Odyssey - those people will return or return ... They leave their country, their homes, their families. Emigrations are diverse. Today, emigration is different, but it was time for people to go abroad with a one -way ticket, without speech, without anything, often deceived ... What lies behind this word? There are many things, one of the most important of which is the loss of identity. Or maybe a discovery in another country? After all, the issue of individual identity is one of the most relevant these days. "Expulsion" reveals many opportunities and solutions for the answer to this question. Basically, emigration is a horizontal spiritual journey "to happiness", often turning into a vertical journey down, to disaster. ”
Purchase of tickets for viewers with mobility in a wheelchair, their assistants and accompanying people (family members):
Tickets for viewers with mobility in a wheelchair must be selected in specially adapted and marked locations (sector for viewers with mobility in a wheelchair/ accompanying). Bill of discount places in the hall are limited.Asistnt, officially accompanied by a person with disabilities can select an assistant by entering the code. The ticket will be applied by the distributor service fee of EUR 1. *A person accompanying a person with a disability, such as a family member without an assistant certificate, must buy tickets at a full price. ** When accompanied by a viewer with mobility disabilities, the ticket must be selected in specially adapted and marked locations (sector for viewers with a wheelchair/ accompanying - location assistant), accompanied by another person with disabilities, choose to be located nearby. price categories.When you come to the performance, it is necessary to have a discount confirming document. The non-submitting document confirming the right to the discount is not allowed to the theater and the money for tickets is not refundable.
All concessions- https://www.teatras.lt/en/bilietai-information/sueliuida-i-accio/
On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater Marius Ivaškevičius. IŠVARYMAS, rež. Oskaras KORŠUNOVAS, Vilnius, Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatras June 10
* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.
Lietuvos nacionalinis dramos teatras
+370 620 68360 -
Gedimino pr. 4, Vilnius