Buy tickets VMT spektaklis | KATĖ ANT ĮKAITUSIO SKARDINIO STOGO rež. Ch. Weise, pjesės aut. T.Williams Vilnius, Valstybinis Vilniaus mažasis teatras April 02

VMT spektaklis | KATĖ ANT ĮKAITUSIO SKARDINIO STOGO rež. Ch. Weise, pjesės aut. T.Williams

April 02 (Wed), 18:30 - 20:20
Vilnius, Valstybinis Vilniaus mažasis teatras, Gedimino pr. 22
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21.36 €
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February 6 The performance will be shown with translation into English/on 6 February, The Performance Will Without Subtitled In English

VMT invites you to rediscover the cult American drama Tennessee Williams and its classic text "Cat on a hot tin roof." BR /> The author of the scenography - Julia Oschatz (Germany)
Costume Artist - Josa Marx (Germany)
Composer - Jens Dohle (Germany)
Audio director - Vilius Narvilis
Light artist - Light artist - lights - Audrius Jankauskas
Special Mechanical Effects - Aistis Kavaliauskas
Supply Assistant - Sidas Martinavičius
Assistant Director - Andrius Merkevičius
Translated the play into Lithuanian by Lilija Vanagienė
Updated Andrius Merkevičius
Translator Jūratė Sviackevičienė

Margreta - Teklė Baroti
BRIK - Šarūnas Januškevičius
Maus - Gintarė Latvėnaitė -Glušajeva
Motušė - Ilona Kvietkutė
Dad - Tomas Rinkūnas
Father Tuker - Balys Latėnas
Gupe - Thomas Kliukas
Doctor Bo - Tom Stirna Stirna
Girl - Larisa Kalpokaitė
Small Boys - Jonas Braškys, Mindaugas Capas
Drums - Ignas Kasikauskas
Gestara - Žygimantas Juozas Bačkus

German director Christian Weise, a talented researcher of the city, began to build the work on the Lithuanian theater scene. Like many of Williams' works, this one is accommodated by the author's own personal experience - alcoholism, homosexual nature, attempt to establish and act in society. The state environment and concentrate on the closed space - a cotton plantation, where his birthday is celebrated at the home of its owner's dad. Daddy is fatally ill, but he does not know yet. Among his offspring, the fight for legacy begins. Son Guper and his wife, and the children in the spoiled children, play a happy family and are worth a legacy. His wife Meg, but alcoholism and hidden love for a former teammate captain, forces him to surrender to him. However, Megė is a stubborn "cat on a hot tin roof", and here is also a dad's own preference to the attacking son.
----------------------- BR /> Additional Information:

N-16: Used uncensored lexis, smoke used.
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is Presented by Special Arrangement with the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee." Goethe Institute, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.

Purchase 10 or more tickets please contact:
Hall in the Plan A and B letters marked places where the chairs are without back.
Doors open: 30 min. before the event
Event duration: 1 hour. 50 mins
Breaks: No
Preschool children are not allowed to the performance.The child is not allowed. for students, students (to provide a discount document during the control)
- 30% 2 bil. Seniors (Senior in the discount box)
- 30% 2 Bil. disabled (enter discount 30)
- 15% by buying 10 or more February 6th. The performance will be shown with translation into English /on 6 February, The Performance Will Without Subtitled in English

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater VMT spektaklis | KATĖ ANT ĮKAITUSIO SKARDINIO STOGO rež. Ch. Weise, pjesės aut. T.Williams, Vilnius, Valstybinis Vilniaus mažasis teatras April 02

* The description translation is done automatically. There may be inaccuracies. Be sure to check the event description on the ticket store website when buying tickets.


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Valstybinis Vilniaus mažasis teatras


Gedimino pr. 22 Vilnius

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