Buy tickets Pagal Rudyardo Kiplingo kūrybą „SMALSUSIS DRAMBLIUKAS“  (Rež. J. Rusakova) Vilnius, Vilniaus Senasis Teatras October 23

Pagal Rudyardo Kiplingo kūrybą „SMALSUSIS DRAMBLIUKAS“ (Rež. J. Rusakova)

October 23 (Wed), 10:00 - 11:00
Vilnius, Vilniaus Senasis Teatras, Jono Basanavičiaus g. 13
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13.10 €
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Based on the work of Rudyard Kipling
"The Curious Elephant"
Premiere - 2023 October 28

What do you know about Africa? Well, for example, what's the weather like there? What trees grow? Are there rivers in Africa? What African animals do you know? What does an elephant look like? What are his ears and legs like? And do you know how the elephant warbler came to be?

The play, intended for preschool and elementary age children, was created by the director, artist and stage author Yevgenija Rusakova based on the fairy tale "The Elephant" by the English writer Rudyard Kipling. According to the director, it is wrong that children are called "kids", and adults smile understandingly and forgivingly when they ask questions. After all, every child goes through a unique stage of age when endless questions arise. Who would we be if we didn't ask, if we didn't make mistakes, if we didn't wonder and weren't greedy? book", "Siaip paskas" etc.) author R. Kipling always left space in his work for a curious child who kept asking: "What?", "How?", "Why?". And this is not surprising, after all, the writer himself created fairy tales for a specific child - his beloved son John Kipling. . The main hero Elephant is surrounded by a multitude of jungle inhabitants: a giraffe, an ostrich, a monkey, a python and, of course, a crocodile, which will help the little curious to explain and even demonstrate what crocodiles actually eat for lunch. And most importantly, it will help unravel the real detective story - how and why the once small, button-like elephant's nose suddenly turned into a long proboscis that helps to do many jobs.

Colorful game the puppets of the main characters will also play in the performance. According to J. Rusakova, we are not a puppet theater, but the opportunity to try this stage art genre is one of the ways to expand the acting arsenal and test yourself. By the way, when the dolls began to be produced, it turned out that they took on some character traits of the actors who would control them. Was it planned or did it happen by itself? Children will be able to play. By the way, we will also ask them questions to which the children really know the answers.


Jevgenija Rusakova - actress of Vilnius Old Theater, H. Ch. The artist of Andersen's "Mermaid" (2012), A. Pushkin's "Tale of Tsar Saltan" (2016), adapted the costumes for the play "New Year's Story of the Disappearance of Birds" (2019). Director and artist of the play "New Year's Adventures in the Land of Dreams" (2022). in 2017 J. Rusakova was nominated for the Golden Cross of the Stage" for her debut as a costume designer in the play "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

The performance is shown in Russian

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Childrens Pagal Rudyardo Kiplingo kūrybą „SMALSUSIS DRAMBLIUKAS“ (Rež. J. Rusakova), Vilnius, Vilniaus Senasis Teatras October 23

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VBĮ „Vilniaus senasis teatras“, Juridinis asmuo


J. Basanavičiaus g. 13, Vilnius, Lietuva

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