Buy tickets DAR ŠIRDYJE NE SUTEMA. Legendinės Algimanto Raudonikio dainos su Judita Leitaite, Dainiumi Puišiu, Viktoru Gerulaičiu ir instrumentine grupe. Šiauliai, Koncertų salė Saulė March 30

DAR ŠIRDYJE NE SUTEMA. Legendinės Algimanto Raudonikio dainos su Judita Leitaite, Dainiumi Puišiu, Viktoru Gerulaičiu ir instrumentine grupe.

March 30 (Sun), 17:00 - 19:30
Šiauliai, Koncertų salė Saulė, Tilžės g. 140
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11.20 €
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Legendary songs by composer Algimantas Raudonikis.

More than one generation grew up with with the legendary songs of Algimantas Raudonikis "I will wait for you when you come", "Tenderness", "Letter to mother", "Where the roads are white", "It is not dark yet in the heart", "Childhood has already sounded", and more than one artist grew up with those songs. And many of them have already become folk songs, because not everyone will say the name of the composer. So we invite you to a concert of folk songs! IT'S NOT DARK IN THE HEART! The songs will be sung by Judita Leitaitė and Dainius Puišys, who have sung together several times in original concerts, and musicologist Viktoras Gerulaitis will talk about the composer's creative antics and serious intentions. The performers will be accompanied by an instrumental trio. We invite you to the evening of songs!

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Doors open: 18:00
Event duration: 1:30
Intermissions: none
Children admitted free: no admission
Age restriction: no
Discounts: no

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Concerts DAR ŠIRDYJE NE SUTEMA. Legendinės Algimanto Raudonikio dainos su Judita Leitaite, Dainiumi Puišiu, Viktoru Gerulaičiu ir instrumentine grupe., Šiauliai, Koncertų salė Saulė March 30

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S. Daukanto g. 19N, Kazlų Rūda

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