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Monospektaklis "Beveik laimingas" | Vilnius

February 12 (Wed), 19:00 - 20:00
Vilnius, MENŲ SPAUSTUVĖ, Šiltadaržio g. 6
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13.20 €
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"Almost Happy" is a one-man show of the independent "No Shoes" theater for grades 11-12. for students, based on the novel "Tula" by J. Kunčinas. The author of the play's idea, playwright and actor R. Klezys, being an educator, focuses his work on communicating with teenagers on topics relevant to them. This is his fourth solo show. This time, the theme of love was chosen, interpreting a novel from the list of mandatory literature. The performance does not aim to reproduce J. Kunčina's work verbatim. The lecture-performance format was chosen for the artistic interpretation. The performance begins with a "lecture" presenting documentary details about the author, the circumstances of the work's creation, the peculiarities of the era, the map of the work's action and other facts introducing the context of the work. Later, we move on to acting out individual scenes from the novel on stage. The motifs of the work were chosen for performance, revealing the hero's romantic experiences with his beloved. The very title of the performance is borrowed from an interview with the writer, during which he describes himself as "almost happy". This phrase is the title of the documentary film about J. Kunčinas, the material of which is used to create the performance. The title contains the drama of passionate love, the anxious emotions caused when the hero is both happy and unhappy at the same time. This state is close to a young person who is searching for his identity and trying to understand the feelings of first love in adolescence.

Actor and playwright - Raimonas Klezys

Director - Justas Tertelis

Movement director - Ieva Jackevčiūtė

Composer - Matas Saladžius

Set designer and costume designer - Arvydas Gudas

Lighting artist - Ramūnas Nėnius

The performance uses the documentary material of the play "Tūla" by the director M. Česnulaitis

Producer - No Shoes theater

The production and distribution of the play is partially financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture

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Doors open: ~18:45
Event duration: ~1:00
Intermissions: none
Language of the event: Lithuanian
Children admitted for free: no
Age limit: N-14
Discounts: not applicable

On the AllEvents portal you can always Buy tickets to an event Theater Monospektaklis "Beveik laimingas" | Vilnius, Vilnius, MENŲ SPAUSTUVĖ February 12

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No Shoes teatras, MB


Bagutiškių g. 18-1, Vilnius

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